Event Hosting
This is a perfect location to hold an event, toilet facilities are on site. Marquees of various sizes are avalible. Lots of space, allowing tailored parties and events, with camping facilities available on site.
The owners desire to keep the site as natural as possible is reflected in the hidden nature of the facilities. The toilet block is located near the entrance and well screened from the main area of the site. The waste runs into a soak away system and therefore users are requested to use eco friendly washing products as chemicals cause the system to not work properly.
The water for the showers and hand basins is heated using solar panels to ignite the boiler and bottled gas to heat the water thereafter.
Near the entrance is the Elsan disposal point and a short distance from this is drinking water.
There is a hard surface forming a semi circle on the site to make vehicle access to the area easier. We ask that driving around the site is done in a considerate manner so as not to disturb other occupants and not to deliberately disturb the grass.
The site is ideal for Duke of Edinburgh camping as it remains an unspoilt area.
The site is perfect for family events with its easy access and informal lay out. There are no close properties which could be affected although the general camping considerations apply when camping with others.
The woods and fields have their own hazzards and care should be taken to ensure visitors are aware of seasonal changes. During the year there will be brambles, nettles as well as the delightful bluebells and general flora and fauna. Tree roots and branches may be in areas you wish to traverse and care of tripping and slipping should be taken.
We ask that visitors do not break growing vegetation. To give due consideration to the environment they are in.
We do not allow bonfires as they create a rather different set of health and safety situations which have proven difficult to manage.
Gas BBQ's only within the campsite. Charcoal BBQ's to use the dedicated area.